" Hi! I'm Zhuri. Won't you be my friend?"

Age: ??
Orentation: Bi-curious
Relationship status: Taken
Occupation: Friend to All


Deep in the Coerthian Mountain. a tribe, that traveled form Ilsabard. Settled in the harshest mountains. This tribe, was made up of Miqo'tes and Hrothgars. They all seemed to have spots of variant design, on ears and tails. Make them look similar to Snow Coeurls.
Thick long tails, that used to Keep warm with. Long fangs, and keen senses. Sight that would see more than 100 fulms, in clarity. Their translucent, fur changes during the season and or climates they are in. They are exceptional Hunters. With phenomenal marksmanship. Not many of them leave the tribe. If they do it was because, they were lost, stolen, or banished.
Zhuri was banished.

Zhuri Leophar

Height: 4'10
Weight: 120
Body type: Athletic Thick.
Skin: Cold light brown
Eye: Silver to Dark grey
Hair: straight, light blue to dark blue. With grey highlights
Special: Her eyes become slit, like seekers. Sometimes, pupil disappears. Or her eyes dilate. Freckles.
Hobbies: Books, Guns, making weapons, eating Muffins, practicing piano and singing. (( She can't sing))
Favorite: Food Muffins, Flower is a Lotus, favorite color White and Yellow, favorite pass time is eating muffins. People with sunshine personalities. Protective personalities. She loves Fairy tale Books. Knights in Shining Armor.
Hates: Dark places, Negative Energy, Raisin Cookies, Yelling, needles, Scientists, garleans scentists, voidsents.Personality: Like DereDere's Kind and Gentle. Cheerful and Caring. Works her hardest, even if she is clumsy. Maybe a little sensitive and crybaby.
Special: When eyes turn into slits, like a seekers. She is cold, like snow itself. A Kuudere.


Project Name: Classified


Code Name: Snow Lotus

Name: Zhuri Leophar
Age: Classified
Race: Miqo'te - Moon Keeper
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pending....

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Birth place: Coerthas
Tribe: Leopard
Date of Birth: 25th sun of the Astral Moon
Guardian: Menphina

Squad Number: Zero

Role: Assassin
Class: Aerial Sniper-Machinist
Magical Aspect: Wind-Water-Ice
Special Abillity: Classified
Special Word: Classified


Project : Personal Notes

Access Limited

Daeris Mal Lupar
Specialist in Magitek Bio weapons.
Enhancing and Training Beastlike people.
Working for the Mu-Nephis Morte


Sharp-minded. This subject, is quick thinker, keeps silent and easily follow any orders given. Cold, emotionless, and Stoic. Lotus is a perfect candidate for Sniper position.
She is most stable, out of all her assassin siblings.


Able to use all fire arms. 20-30 seconds, to assemble a firearm.
While sniper rifle is primary weapon, knives, and hand to hand combat is use secondary for kill and defense.
Lotus has kill count, of 35 confirmed kills. The Garleans have put her in work 105 assassinations. Seems that even the Nu put Lotus in 10 missions. and confirmed all 7 kills.
Nu Has been returning my weapon, with unsanctioned bruising. My toy belongs to me.. I do not appreciate his marks of enjoyment.
Though he screams and pleas, do make music to the scrapping of bone.


The Rabbit and Raven, have been keeping me from Lotus. It seems they want to keep her pure. Clean of Void Blood. Which is fine.. I already have three successes. Though.. I have learned something highly interesting. Lotus seems to have the Echo.
Today I will test my theory. I hope my darling snow leopard is ready, for the pain.