Snow Lotus

The Fragant of the Snow

Zhurika Leoparsch

Nickname: Zhuri-Rika-SnowAge: 35
Occupation: Mercenary
Coerthas- Albathine Spine
Machinist: Garlean Sniper-
Viper: Duel wielder
Alignment: Chaotic Good
"I am Not Violent""I am Not Malicious""I am a Result"

Noctis Mortem

"If I can't have Love, then I want Power."
"You're a Weapon and weapons don't Weep"
"Strength Is Pain"
"Strength is Suffering"
"Srength is Sacrifice"


" I'm just a Bad Choice walking."
"Any thing you can do, I can do bleeding."
"Family Defines you, even if it does demand Sacrifice


Height: 4'10
Weight: 150
Body type: Lean-thick
Skin: Soft Brown
Eye: Silvery-blue
Hair: Straight: Light silver blue to dark blue.
Special: Short spotted rounded ears, Long Spotted fluffy tail. Peet feet.
Hobbies: Fairytale books, Poems, Sketching, Magitek Tinkering. Hunting Rabbits ((People))
Favorite: Food is Muffins-Pumpkin Bread-Tacos, Flower are Snow Lotus-Spider Lillies, favorite color Blue-Yellow, favorite pass time is Hunting.
Hates: Cages, Scentists, Doctors, Needles, Scalpels.Personality: Energetic, Playful.
Personality switch : Chaotic and cold.
Born into a mixed tribe, hidden under the Sea of Clouds. Zhuri was born as half Hrothgar, taking mostly after her mother. She was raised to be a hunter until her mother passed on her tenth name day. When she was sent off to begin her trail to become a full hunter. Some that normally happens on the sixteenth Nameday.
This was the start of her troubles. When she met three siblings that would make her choose between her Tribe and friendship. After being Banished at the age of thirteen, she was taken in by HER. Who would use Zhuri nonstop to forward her own gains. Being conditioned to obey without question and sold to the Garleans, she became an Spy in the Organization.
The organization would train and send her to work in the 12th and Fourth Legion.
Special: Due to the Torture, Zhuri has an alter ego.

Voice Claim

Florence Pugh: Yelena Belova

Fighting style :Literally Deadpool
Sometimes Elphet Valentine


The Tribe

Lotus Mother
A Voidsent of the 4th Rung from the third Astral Era, follower of the Cloud of Darkness. Until the Fifth Umbral Era. A group of Miqo’te and Hrothgar fleeing from Isalbard across the frozen sea, made their way to Eorzea, under the Sea of Clouds, in Albathine Spine.
The Lotus gave the remaining group the means to survive.Limikku volunteered to make the contract. In return they would offer themselves in death. They would bear her traits, use the lotus to connect to her while also accumulating aether to feed her bountiful need of hunger. While she Protected them from outsiders.Voidal Traits: Silver Eyes to Blue Eyes, Silver blue hair to Dark Blue Hair.
Affinity closer to Ice. Weak affinity to fire.
Marksman eye.
Making of Lotus flower
Is a descendant of Zhuri’s. The woman to make the contract with the voidsent creating a different sort of bond with the Voidsent. Her first daughter became the host of the Lotus and would continue the line. Until Zhuri was born and Banished.
The Tribal Bonds
A bond from birth, when one is connected to the Lotus, they receive a bond that connects them to the entire tribe. Feeling each other's presence aetherial and mentally.
Think of it as the Mist in the Golmore Jungle.
One string that connects all back to the Lotus Mother. Their lotus keeps them in connection. To protect, love and be loyal, not just to the Mother but also the tribe.
Like having a hive mind, with freedom to think and choose.

The Mortem : File # 1

The Mortem a group of assassins that usually operated for the Garleans; making stealth, speed, and cunning as essential a part of their arsenal of skills as weapon use. Though out of twelve of these Teams most had no affiliations or allegiances to Garlemald making them wholly neutral and socially independent. Sending them to other parts of the Star to be part of a broader military force, they were specialized units employed for particular purposes- on the field of battle and off it.
Hunting Defectors, Rogue and Experiments to clean up unwanted messes.
The Morte is under the guise of a Research facility on The Echo and Void. Ran by Daeris Mal Lupar a Optimate scientist in bio-enhancement. What most Garleans like the Populares didn't know was that he was using the war orphans and other conscripts for his inhumane experiments.
Daeris's goal was to create the perfect weapons; elite killing groups, trained to act with no regard for their safety. Enhanced with a power between Voidsents and The Echo. Using the Reapers methods for the first, he would experiment by feeding blood to countless. With only a 40% success rate, most turned into unsatiable monsters.
So he turned to Kira a woman who has had countless of dealings with Garleans. Offering her own perfect weapon. Rika Snow as an example. Showing him torturous methods to make one obey with a single word.
Twelve Teams of Death
The longer you survive without incident the higher the Team number you get. There only five active Teams. The other seven are defectors, voidsents, or killed.
* Team Zero : Elite group of successes. Primarily worked in Kugane. Helping Corrupted Officials in
They are the longest living experiments. The only group with Kira's perfect soldier who was used as an example. This Team took over working with the 12th Legion. Then took over working for the Fourth legion. The Teams for both were killed, by Rika for changing into full voidsents.

Team Zero : File # 2

The Rabbit
Name: Cayrn Curserweaver
A Viera of two hundred years of age. He was originally from Dalmasca. Trained in the Village of Reapers, he is the oldest member of the Organization. He taught the orphans how to be good Assassins., how to control their voidsent. He was also used to become a Resonant.